Motorcycle Accident Statistics
Last updated Thursday, October 6th, 2022

Motorcycles conjure up all kinds of images: the open road, adventure, and letting loose. Those who truly appreciate this vehicle embrace the lifestyle. The culture, friends, trips, plus unmistakable fashion, offer an escape from a lackluster life. But there’s a darker side to these bikes – the motorcycle accident statistics are scary.
Exploring your wild side while gripping a hog’s handlebars can be dangerous- very dangerous. While it’s never fun to dwell on the negative, it’s smart to learn what can happen in an unthinkable instant.
Wouldn’t it be nice if fond memories were the only aftereffect of riding a motorcycle? Accidents are unfortunate results when things don’t go as planned. And when bike collisions happen, they can mean disabilities, disfigurements, or death.
As a biker, you face an uphill battle in dodging danger. The group at Motorcycle Safety Lawyers is here to answer your questions and provide help. Our skilled team knows how bikes fit into our legal system. We understand the challenges you may face; let’s meet them together!
What Percentage of Motorcycle Riders Get into Accidents?
One percent, or possibly a little more. Research from the Insurance Information Institute points to this figure. Think twice before dismissing what may seem like a low amount.
Consider there were around 8.32 million registered motorcycles nationwide in 2020. One percent of those equates to 83,200. That’s tens of thousands of riders who were in accidents. Is your spidey-sense tingling yet?
Are Motorcycles Dangerous?
This kind of question is like asking if cigarettes and guns are dangerous. None of these items by themselves pose much of a danger. Not too many people get injured by parked motorcycles. Add a person who plans on riding these vehicles into the mix. Here’s where problems can arise.
A bike in motion isn’t necessarily headed for a crash, but the odds aren’t on your side. Reasons why these vehicles continue to be labeled as unsafe include:
- Design. Just look at a motorcycle compared to other vehicles. One huge difference is the lack of a frame. There’s nothing to shield your body upon impact. While steel and metal protect other motorists, bikers only have air- not much cushioning there.
- Other Drivers. Courtesy doesn’t reign supreme on roads these days. Drivers are more distracted than ever. The number of drivers continues to increase. It can be hard to see the slim silhouette of a motorcycle in traffic. Even experienced bikers are still at the mercy of other motorists.
- Size. The average bike weighs around 600 pounds. Mid-size sedans weigh in at around 3,350 pounds. Semi-trucks can tip the scales at 80,000 pounds. The lightweight motorcycle is built for speed and just can’t stack up against larger vehicles.
Have You Been Injured in a Motorcycle Accident?
If you need Chicago motorcycle accident advice, talk to an experienced lawyer that’s been helping injured bikers for over 35 years.
How Most Motorcycle Crashes Happen?
Knowing how most bike accidents occur makes you aware of risks. You can drive more cautiously. Collisions are common in the following situations because motorcycles…
- Are Struck by Cars Turning Left. Almost half of the fatal accidents in 2019 where a car collided with a motorcycle happened as car drivers were making left-hand turns, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
- Get Hit Head-on. These types of accidents occur more frequently. As other vehicles outweigh bikes, serious injuries and fatalities are likely.
- Meet Unexpected Threats. Motorcycles don’t maneuver like cars. Roadway hazards can mean trouble. Potholes, gravel, uneven roads, wet leaves, puddles, debris, and animals can easily cause even seasoned bikers to crash.
- Run into Stationary Objects. A biker usually isn’t able to withstand the force when hitting a tree or telephone pole at a high speed.
- Split Lanes. Riders split lanes by weaving in and out of traffic. While it may seem like this is an easy way to bypass gridlock, this move is risky at best.
How Many Motorcycle Deaths or Injuries Occur Each Year?
No two years are exactly the same. Reviewing a year in recent history like 2019 can shed light on this topic. Your local dealer probably won’t advertise how dangerous this sport can be, but you can’t argue with facts. Hearing the number of riders that get seriously or fatally injured can be a wake-up call- it may even save your life.
Mull over these frightening statistics compliments of the NHTSA:
- Fourteen percent of traffic-related deaths in 2019 were from motorcycle accidents. A total of 5,014 bikers died. Drivers accounted for 94 percent of these fatalities.
- Roughly 84,000 bikers suffered injuries while riding motorcycles in 2019.
- The most common cause of motorcycle deaths (55 percent) in 2019 was collisions with moving motor vehicles.
Which Factors Lead to More Motorcycle Crashes Than Any Other?
There’s really nothing else like riding a motorcycle. So how can you manage risks to enjoy this way of life? Stay current with your state laws. Practice driving defensively. Familiarize yourself with possible pitfalls to become safer while joyriding.
Reasons for most motorcycle accidents include:
- Driving Aggressively and/or Recklessly
- Getting Distracted
- Other Motorists Losing Sight of Bikers
- Speeding
- Unsafe Road Conditions
- Using Drugs or Alcohol
Obviously, you can’t control other drivers or the weather. But you can make strides to keep yourself as safe as possible when riding. Always wear your helmet and boots. Check your route and the weather before leaving. Give your bike a once-over to ensure it looks road-worthy.
Want additional support? Contact Motorcycle Safety Lawyers to find out how we can help. Pick our brains about traffic laws as they pertain to you. Let us be your resource for staying safe while enjoying the ride.
Frequently Asked Motorcycle Accident Statistics Questions
What is the likelihood of dying on a motorcycle?
The likelihood of dying on a motorcycle is much higher than the likelihood of dying in a car. In fact, motorcyclists are about 26 times more likely to die in a crash than people in a car, and 5 times more likely to be injured.
What is the percentage of crashes on a motorcycle?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the type of motorcycle, the skill of the rider, and the conditions of the road. However, according to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the percentage of motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes in the United States was about 5.6% in 2015.
Where do 70% of motorcycle accidents occur?
The majority of motorcycle accidents, 70%, occur at intersections. This is often because the driver of a car or truck fails to see the motorcycle and turns into its path.
What type of motorcycle has the most accidents?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the type of motorcycle, the rider’s experience, and the road conditions. However, some studies have suggested that sport bikes and cruiser motorcycles are involved in a higher number of accidents than other types of motorcycles.
What is the percentage of motorcycle riders who were alcohol-impaired in fatal crashes?
The percentage of motorcycle riders who were alcohol-impaired in fatal crashes was 28%.
What is the percentage of motorcycle fatalities that occurred on urban roads?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 60% of all motorcycle fatalities in 2016 occurred on urban roads. This is likely due to the higher volume of traffic on urban roads, as well as the increased number of obstacles and potential hazards present in urban environments.
What is the percentage of motorcycle fatalities that occurred in good weather?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the definition of “good weather.” However, according to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 21 percent of motorcycle fatalities in the United States from 2006 to 2010 occurred in weather conditions that were classified as “good.”
What is the percentage of motorcycle fatalities that occurred during daylight conditions?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 56% of motorcycle fatalities in 2016 occurred during daylight conditions.
What is the percentage of motorcycle fatalities that occurred in crashes involving two vehicles?
The percentage of motorcycle fatalities that occurred in crashes involving two vehicles was 72.5%.
Important Motorcycle Accident Statistics
- In 2020, motorcycles made up only 3% of all registered vehicles and 0.6% of all vehicle miles traveled in the United States, but motorcyclists accounted for 14% of all traffic fatalities, 18% of all occupant fatalities, and 4% of all occupant injuries.
- A factor that directly influences motorcycle fatality trends is helmet use – in 2020, 58% of motorcyclists killed were wearing helmets. fatalities among motorcycle riders and passengers increased 11% from 2019 to 2020, while the rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled increased by 23%.
- Over the last 10 years, deaths have increased by 20% while death rates have increased by 27%.
- The number of motorcycle fatalities now stands at 5,579 and the rate is 31.64 per 100 million vehicle miles.